About Ritu Malhotra
As a Psychotherapist, Metaphysician, Kinesiologist and Cellular Alchemist, Ritu Malhotra facilitates her clients’ ability to make new and productive choices in areas of their life where they thought they had no choice. Through Kinesiology, Muscle-testing and Biofeedback, she works on reprogramming deep-rooted childhood traumas as well as stressors and healing them in the minimum amount of time.
About Ajna Center

About Ajna Center

Discover what your Subconscious Mind wants to tell you through Bio-Feedback and Muscle Testing.
“I do not seek to educate those who come to me, I merely heal them, gently. Education is, for the most part, connected to judgments and failure, self-judging of self-worth and abilities, for many. We heal with our hearts and not our heads. To heal is to make whole- to dismiss the ignorance, illusions, beliefs and thoughts- to be of knowingness- then, step-by-step, to be. Then, to not be.
Their desires are already in their heart, and the solutions they are seeking are already in their body’s cells. I am a medium to uncover their desires, gently and in a step-by-step manner.
I show my clients their heart’s desire, the way they want, expect or believe they can have it. I believe there is always a choice and I show them these choices. After all, nothing feels better than being happy!”
~Ritu Malhotra
Check out her blogpost
You have a Choice!
Learning to live in alignment with your values and purpose is an insightful journey. Through kinesiology, muscle-testing and biofeedback, we teach everyone proven techniques to diffuse stress and embrace wellbeing. Negative feelings can be transformed instantly and easily. Make emotions your key to creativity, productivity, and happiness.
Align With Your Values
Improve Performance
Make Better Choices
Transform Stress
Unlock your Inner Potential
Change what you focus on and change your life. Here’s an opportunity for you to create a positive environment anytime and anywhere.