
About Ritu Malhotra

About Ritu Malhotra

The Cellular Alchemist

As a Psychotherapist, Metaphysician, Kinesiologist and Cellular Alchemist, Ritu Malhotra facilitates her clients’ ability to make new and productive choices in areas of their life where they thought they had no choice.

Through Kinesiology, Muscle-testing and Biofeedback, she works on reprogramming deep-rooted childhood traumas as well as stressors and healing them in the minimum amount of time.

Ritu uses scientific techniques of kinesiology, the wisdom of Eastern philosophy, and groundbreaking concepts involving the mind and body that are not found anywhere else. Where traditional psychotherapy and life coaching fails to yield desired results, Ritu offers an alternative to creating lasting change in as few as 3 sessions.

“I believe that your body possesses the answers you seek; I am but a conduit that will point you towards those answers. With as minimum as three sessions of gentle therapy based on kinesiology, you can experience a significant and long-lasting difference in your life.” ~ Ritu Malhotra

Since the early 1990′s Ritu has facilitated hundreds of individuals and intensive training in India and all over Germany, Hungary, and other European countries, leading groups towards exploring and eliminating the emotional and spiritual roadblocks in their lives. Her pioneering focus has been to bring together western and eastern philosophies into a comprehensive whole by teaching simple, yet practical training methods to anyone interested in learning to live the “big picture” in their lives.

Laying the Foundation of AJNA Center for Learning

An organization that facilitates wellbeing, balance and healing through Counseling and Coaching Interventions. Throughout its inception in 1987, AJNA has helped thousands of people overcome limitations and roadblocks and lead happier, more fulfilled lives. 
Take the next step on your path, listen to your own truth and help others do the same.
Out of clutter, find simplicity. Out of imbalance, find harmony.
Your life is NOT an impossible situation. It's a brilliant opportunity! Come and grab your unique opportunity!

Blending Psychology with Spirituality

Ritu firmly believes in blending the scientific with Spiritualism to bring in faster and permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic wellbeing. 

From Stressed to Spirited

Today’s millennials and professionals between 25-45 years of age are facing insurmountable stress issues and helping them eliminate their triggers and stressors gives Ritu immense joy. She also works very closely with individuals battling addiction, trauma, phobias and fears.    Ritu’s dream is to address the social stigma attached to seeking emotional assistance and treatment in India. For this goal she has shouldered the task of re-thinking, re-defining and restructuring existing, traditional practices and perspectives.

Where it all began…

Ritu firmly believes in blending the scientific with Spiritualism to bring in faster and permanent transformations. Applying Biofeedback, Muscle-testing and Kinesiology- with Spiritual wisdom, she helps her clients stem out deep-rooted issues at the cellular level to reprogram them to holistic wellbeing. 

All my life, I heard people saying, “You can’t do this,” so I went in search of an identity of my own. My image was fragile and venturing out on my own led to crippling stress. However, after making mistakes, falling down and getting up again, and showing up for myself, I was able to reach a place of assurance within myself.

I was gasping for breath, but I was also gasping for life. Despite having Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), I was able to heal myself psychosomatically enough to lead a normal life. And that inspired me to help others. I trained in bio-feedback in California, and decided to use the modality in India.

As your therapist, I am not sitting in a citadel or above you in any way. I am merely a medium. I, too, have that little, fearful child inside me, and I find myself visiting those places from time to time. However, my energy shift towards the bigger picture has become a constant place for me to reside. And as long as I live, I want to show my clients their heart’s desire, the way they want, expect or believe they can have it. I believe there is always a choice and I show them these choices. After all, nothing feels better than being happy!

Get started on a journey with us, choose the path of enlightened awareness that will create a new sense of purpose, improved self-worth and the ability to make fresh, productive choices.

Our purpose is to find the ‘win’ in all your experiences.