


The Ajna Story

Hedonic Threadmill

Underlying Feeling




River of diamonds

Why settle for Mediocre

We want it all Now

Interest Keeps you young


The power of Opposites

Taking the First Step

Is stigma keeping you away from therapy?

Your life, Your movie

No Choice is a Choice

Why seek counselling

Where is your focus?

Cellular Memory

Precision Muscle Testing Part 1

Face Language

Precision Muscle Testing Part 2

How to Build Your Self Confidence and Well-Being in Life?

How to Develop An Abundance Mind-Set | Accelerate Your Growth Perspective

Can Seriousness Become A Disease? | Get Your Creativity and Spontaneity Back

Did You Know Stress Sabotages Brain Function? Discover How You Can Deal With Stress

What is Stress? | How To Manage Stress

We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.